It's been a while, but my third map, Detention Center, is finally done. This is MUCH improved over Lunar Fort, and you can read the statistics in the included file, "Detention Center Info". When you play this map, I suggest you set the Brightness down a bit, because the nifty lighting effects really show better that way for some reason. Also, you'll want to switch on Ambient Sounds for this one.... I have included some, this time. Also, please use the "DC PM" as your Physics Model when playing this level. It features some new enemies and slightly enhanced weaponry.
Storyline info is contained in the termainals, and if you haven't played Lunar Fort, I strongly suggest you do so before playing this one. Send questions, comments, & suggestions (No flames PLEASE!) to me at the adress: (Or, if you have AOL, just plain SeigfriedH).
--> Required AOL Description
REQUIRED Marathon Description:
Game Type : MARATHON by Bungie Software
Version(s) Supported : 2 (Durandal)
File Type (choose one) :Map, Physics Model
Single Player : Yes, tested-to-destruction
Cooperative 2-8 Player :No
Network 2-8 Player : No
Number of Teams in Game : one
Difficulty Level : normal
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Phforte, Alchemist, ResEdit, Hex, MapInfo
Build time : At least 30 hours over a long period
Known Bugs/Problems : none
The Story:
This level is a contnuatio on a previous level made by me, Lunar Fort. Now, you must rescue a group of captured BOBs from a heavily guarded prison complex. There is a much more detailed story in the readme & terminals.
Narrative Description:
This level has been "in the works" for almost six months, and it shows. The subtle lighting effects are very good, there is an Ambient and Random soundtrack composed of a total of over 30 sounds, and the level is also very big; almost 350 polygons. The gameplay itself may be a little easy, but I have put in a variety of deadly traps and enemies in just the wrong places to make it one heck of a level. Also, most of the Terminal art is completely original.
To use it, put it in the same folder as Marathon 2. When you run Marathon 2, Select "Prefrences", go to "Enviroment", select "Detention Center" as your map and "DC PM" as your physics model.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the Valhalla Chronicles scenario to make thir own maps, but only if they as me for permission first (I have plans of my own...)